Documentation generated on using project's JS sources
input, select, button
This section also exists in Open API JSON version.
This is the list of all project's URLs.
If the HTTP verb is POST then the endpoint cannot be GET called.
All endpoints can be contacted with the
HTTP Accept header
of your choice.
You can also use the http-accept GET parameter
You can also use the http-accept GET parameter
So /url/?http-accept=application/json is the same
as /url/ with Accept: application/json HTTP header,
and it returns the page's data formatted in JSON.
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
warning | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
idResource | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id-resource | Not documented |
rationnement | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
idResource | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
idResource | Not documented |
quantity | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
action | Not documented |
wasteType | Not documented |
quantity | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
helpForChildren | Not documented |
holidayWeeksPerYear | Not documented |
workingHoursPerDay | Not documented |
workingDaysPerWeek | Not documented |
educationUntilAge | Not documented |
retirementAge | Not documented |
hoursEducation | Not documented |
hoursSante | Not documented |
hoursPolice | Not documented |
hoursServices | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idToPlayer | Not documented |
msg | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
type | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idTargetCountry | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
idBuilding | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idBuilding | Not documented |
idCountry | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idBuilding | Not documented |
competencies | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
idBuilding | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCountry | Not documented |
people | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
cases | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
country | Not documented |
register-pseudo | Not documented |
register-password | Not documented |
register-email | Not documented |
register-title | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
x | Not documented |
y | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
build | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCase | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id-mapcase | Not documented |
id-building | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id-mapcase | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idCase | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id-mapcase | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id-mapcase | Not documented |
rendement | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
password | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
id | Not documented |
idx | Not documented |
response | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
event | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
idEvent | Not documented |
delayType | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
x | Not documented |
y | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
show-warning | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
req | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
password | Not documented |
req | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
login-pseudo | Not documented |
login-password | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
Not documented | |
password | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
req | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
old-password | Not documented |
new-password | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
avatar | Not documented |
pdt-title | Not documented |
notifications | Not documented |
HTTP 200
Name | Description |
pseudo | Not documented |
password | Not documented |
HTTP 200
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